Creating A Study Planner

1 Dec 2020

Got an exam coming soon, or just need to get your studying schedule organised? Having a study planner will help you keep your revision progress in check so that you can get the grades you’re aiming for.

A well-rounded study planner is more than just writing down what and when to study on a notebook. To make sure you study efficiently, we’re going into tips and details on how to create a study planner that will work for you. You’ll thank us later!


Before getting into the details of your planner, list down the subjects that you will be studying and color-code each of them. You can do so with your highlighters! Having highlighters like our swing cool highlighters will be useful as you will be needing them later to track your progress as well.

Color-coding helps to separate and organize. When you’ve established a color system for the subjects you’re studying, you create a mental connection with each of them. You will relate the color to the specific subject that it represents for. This color connection is just to get you started as it helps you memorize better. Try color-coding with our swing cool highlighters you can purchase online from!


Once you’ve color-coded your subjects, you can start creating a timetable that provides an overview of your study schedule. We suggest creating a monthly one and then a weekly one which will include more details such as the time and duration of your studies.

Use the monthly timetable to help you evenly distribute the days you’re allocating for each subject you’re studying. With this visual layout, you’ll be able to ensure that you’re putting equal effort into each subject. Remember to include your color codes at the bottom of the timetable as a legend, and use those colors to label the subjects on the timetable accordingly.
You can colorize your timetable with fineliners and fibre-tip pens too! Check out to get the writing tools you need.


If you don’t have a detailed weekly or daily study plan, you might struggle with time management and feel that you’re not getting much out of your revision sessions. Monitoring your progress with a study tracker will help you stay on top of your study game. Just like your trackers for your bullet journal, a study tracker will motivate you to complete the allocated tasks and help you cut the slack!

On your weekly schedule, write down the subjects you’re studying next to the time slot you are allocating. When you’ve completed that study session, simply mark it as done with a highlighter in the color that is coded for the subject. Filling your study tracker not only keeps you organized, it will leave you feeling accomplished!

Weekly Review

After each week, check your study progress with a weekly review by listing down the topics that were planned. A simple bullet point agenda is an easy way to look back at what you have accomplished, and what have yet to be done.

You can use icon ‘keys’ to mark the task done or undone with simple ticks and crosses, or other icons of your preference with colored pens (one color for ‘done’ and one for ‘undone’). Use another pen in a different color to make any necessary remarks, whether you need to carry the task forward to the next week or revisit any topics that need more attention.
Prep yourself with a variety of colored fineliners, pens and highlighters from to create a colorful study planner. Happy studying!

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