Meet our teachers!

6 Sep 2018

We’ve curated a selection of passionate and local Malaysian artisans each having a specific set of skills to produce various courses, every course is effective and guaranteed to leave you feeling accomplished!


Jecelyn Chong

Jecelyn Chong is a professional calligrapher and brush letterer. She started picking up the skills towards the end of the year 2016. Throughout her career, she has helped write wedding place cards, cards for birthdays and bridal showers plus so much more. So where did she draw inspiration from? Well, the simple answer would be the beauty of the art itself. When scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest, she mentioned that the numerous artwork she came across was the catalyst to what really sparked the desire for her to get up and learn these skills.

It’s also no surprise that she believes more people should take up the art of calligraphy and brush lettering because it not only trains your patience, but it also makes up to be a thoughtful gift for friends and family as everything is hand-written.

Jecelyn’s biggest achievement as of now would definitely be being able to carry out her own independent workshops. She mentioned that she would have never dreamed of having the opportunity to conduct workshops and teach others about something she is so greatly passionate about. As for the future of calligraphy and brush lettering, she hopes more people would appreciate the time and effort it takes to do this; and to let them know that it’s not just something pointless to do.

Joselyn Lai

Joselyn Lai is a professional florist that started learning about floral arrangement 2 years ago. She has been hired to arrange flowers for weddings, events and more! Impressive right? What inspired her to take up this profession is undeniably due to her passion for her love of flowers. Whenever she came across any form of decoration, the flowers would attract her attention the most and thus creating her strong interest towards flowers.

Through this online course, she hopes to inspire others to take up floral arrangement as she noticed that many households nowadays have their own little flower pots used as home decor. Additionally, even bouquets of flowers are being given to friends and family as gifts for birthdays, graduation ceremonies and other celebrations. Due to this, she strongly believes everyone should get a chance to know the skills required and correct methods in order to make your own gorgeous floral creation.

Up until now, Joselyn believes that her highest achievement would be her success in building an online platform to sell her work as well as opening a florist shop called “Miss Moonig” that is located in Bukit Jalil, Malaysia. Furthermore, she hopes that the future of the flower arrangement industry will flourish and be more recognised by the public.

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