5 Reasons Why Journaling Benefits You A Lot For Beginners

15 Aug 2022

Writing a journal involves you to do some journal spreads for special ocassions, or write about today's agenda.

Either than exposing your daily life through social media, you feel more comfortable writing your personal thoughts in a journal.

Therefore, keeping a journal benefits you a lot especially for someone who's new to this kind of hobby, here's why:

Improved Your Writing

Having a journal will help you write more from time to time.

You can write just about anything such as your thoughts, memories, stories, and secrets. This will help you in improving your vocabulary, learning new words to add into.

You don't have to make it too formal, write short and simple stories for starters.

These stories will make you write more and improve from time to time.

Relieve Stress

You can never escape your work, where you spent your time entirely in finishing your tasks and meetings.

This will make you feel exhausted and stress. Therefore, you can take some time to relieve yourself by journalling.

With journalling, you can work comfortably in your own space and writing at your own pace.

After laid some time off, you will feel more energised to work on your tasks which makes your work more efficiently.

With Craft La, you can learn on how to journal to relieve stress.

Express Creativity

Everyone's creativity is limitless, including you.

By journalling, you can express your creativtiy and make your journal spreads more exciting and fun to read.

Some people only write their goals and dreams, but you can level up by adding some stickers, small papers, glitter, color, and many more.

FOr example, you went to Bangkok for a short trip recently, you can decorate your journal spread with stamps, postcards, flight tickets, polaroid pictures of your friends, and you can write about moments you cherish.

This will also help you to generate ideas in making creative journal spreads. You can look for some inspirations in making a creative journal spreads here.

Set and Achieve Goals

Having a journal will help you keep a good track of your tasks. We all have tasks to be done and goals to achieve regardless of your present in your life journey.

Writing your tasks will hep you to set your mind on which to be done right away or later. You can also update your tasks to see wheter you have made a progress.

Other than that, it will hep you to develop a strategy in progressing your task so you won't feel a burden with the overload of unfinished tasks to be done.

Self Reflect

We must always take a step back and relfect our actions.

We intend to keep our thoughts to ourselves instead of sharing, fear of out of words when we blurt it out.

Therefore, it makes you feel more better in writing it out. It will help you see yourself and how far you've become. It will also help to keep your attitude in check.

Art Journaling Workshop : For Beginners

In Craft La, you can learn on how to express your creativity in specific journal themes, such as Art and Travel Journaling.

With the online courses provided , you will get a whole new journaling experience from a journal artist. To know more information about the online courses you can visit our website here.

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