HandSewing Sock Dog online Workshop (手工袜子狗缝制课程)

4.8 / 5.0
(5 Reviews)

Course Description

美好的生活就是学会自己制作手工玩偶~ 这些玩偶不只可爱还很实惠!我们的艺术家Kei Kei将教导你简单的缝纫技术,让你可以以简单又有趣的方式去制作这只可爱的手工袜子狗!(这个课程将会以中文来解说)Life will be so much fun when you learn how to make doll yourself ~ that are adorable and affordable! Pattern designer and author Kei Kei shows you simple sewing techniques that make sewing a cute dog will be very fun and easy ! (This Class will be Conducted in Chinese)

课程分类/ Class breakdown:

  1. Introduction/ 简单的介绍- (Kei Kei将向您展示基本的缝纫技术。让你可以简单又有趣地完成一只手工袜子狗)Kei Kei shows you simple sewing techniques that make sewing a cute dog will be very fun and easy ! .
  2. Tools & Materials Needed/需要的工具和材料-  (让您知道制作一只可爱的袜子狗需要什么工具与材料) will let you know what materials will be needed for doing a cute doll.  .
  3. Making the Head/头部的制作过程- (我们将从袜子狗的头部开始制作) Then, we’ll start off by learning how to form the dog’s head .
  4. Making Body , Hands & Ears/身体、手部和耳朵的制作过程- (然后Kei Kei将教导我们制作身体、手部以及耳朵的过程 )Afterwards, Kei Kei w’ll teach us how to make the dog’s body, arms and legs. .
  5. Sewing Steps ,Join the Head & Body /缝合步骤一(将头部以及身体缝合起来) Then, Our Artisanwill teach you how to combine Heads & Body .
  6. Sewing Steps Two, Join the Hands & Ears/缝合步骤二(将手部和耳朵加在袜子狗身上)And next, our artisan will also teach you how to sewing hands & ears together .
  7. Fitting your Doll , Adding Details/收尾工作- (将各部位缝合后,就要加上像是眼睛以及鼻子的脸部特征了 ) Last but not least, the dog’s facial features such as the eyes and nose are attached as well . 
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